Using Xcode's measurement and optimization tools


  • Posts: 65
We'd like to Build in Xcode our Stencyl 3 App proyect targeted for iOS,   to further check on the App performance using Xcode native utilities.

Attempting  to Build the Stencyl 3 generated .xcodeproyect file on Xcode (version 5.0) targeted to iOS simulator 6.1 or 7.0 fails giving the following error:

Haxe simulator build CONFIG : Debug-iphonesim
haxe Build.hxml -D simulator -cpp build/Debug-iphonesim -debug
make: haxe: No such file or directory
make: * [build-haxe-i386] Error 1

Found  posts in the forum related to probably the same error with an answer from Jon that suggest there are two possible solutions, one being installing Haxe  ( see,18663.msg108886.html#msg108886 ) although not a very pleasurable road

Can anyone point to or indicate the available procedure(s) to allow to Build an S3 generated ios app in Xcode?