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  • Posts: 1285
About the game:
My last, simple game.

Not finished yet, hope to get more feedback before searching for sponsor.

Will be for android and flash, but not sure about flash, in browser it works with jumps, do not know why.
May be it works smooth on your side?

To move use arrows  (<-   ->)
1,2,3 activating skills (when mana is full)
enter - to move in menu
click screen anywhere to pause(unpause) the game

Collect souls(stars) if you will collect stars more than your opponent you will win.
Complete missions, increase your level to enhance your skills and unlock new wings

link of the game on stencyl arcade

gameplay video on youtube

« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 05:33:40 am by 1MrPaul1 »