Ads stopped showing all of a sudden on Android (Solved)


  • Posts: 79
I had ads working on my app for about a week now, but today all of a sudden apps stopped working altogether. No ads are showing up anymore. I am not using the AdMob extension, but i'm just using the built in support for AdMob.

I am attaching the log that generates and shows the error in the device monitor.

On a side note, i tried using the extension, but it wouldn't work. I followed the guide, but the AD ID not the publisher ID match the format of the ID shown in the guide. I tried using both in the code and got errors. I posted the issue before, but not one really replied back how to use it properly :/. A little bit of help there would be appreciated too.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 03:46:34 pm by Abliblablobla »


  • Posts: 7
I have the same problem with my app :(  I put in my ID and everything and no ads working.  grrr......  Hopefully someone will chime in and help.  :)


  • *
  • Posts: 524
If you didn't touch anything in the blocks you are using for AdMob, it's very strange it stopped working all of a sudden. It may sound obvious, but make sure you have an active internet connection on your device.
Make sure you are using the Ad Unit ID. Since you are using the built in AdMob support, I guess you read how to use AdMob on Stencylpedia. Maybe you can have a clearer understanding if you also read the AdMob extension guide: many users didn't seem to have troubles setting the extension up.

Are you using the extension? Make sure you are using the Ad Unit ID. You wrote that you are experiencing the same issue as Haeydr. Does it mean that you were able to use AdMob and suddenly you aren't seeing banners anymore?

The more details you give me, the easier is for me to help you.
.: BuruBuru :.


  • Posts: 79
Yeah i read the extension guide but for some reason i can't get the extension to work. The Ad IDs are not in a similar format as the ones shown in the guide. I get an error saying "Ads has no field initAdmob" when i try to use the IDs which are in the format "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXX" (Ad unit) and "pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" (pub ID). I tried using both IDs but i get the same error. I wanted to use the extension to use full-screen ads but i just can't get it to work. I followed the extension guide step by step about 3 times, but the same error came every single time.


  • Posts: 79
alright, everything solved. Somehow the extension just wasn't working. I re-installed the extension and everything works fine.


  • Posts: 7
Actually I never got it to work but I am thinking that it may be that I assumed that I did not need the extension.  I though it was built in and all I had to do was put in my id's.  I will try this again.  Thank you.  :)