For all of you who do not know, I am actually the one behind the "Abigayl" tutorials, both here ( and on Kongregate ( I changed my name first (actually back) to just4yoshi and then more recently to my identity of "StencylTUO" (the "TUO" standing for "The Unknown One" as I was originally going to hide my identity) since I'm actually a guy IRL.
Anyways, with 3.0 (and now 3.1 and soon 3.2) out of beta, I've been working on a 3.X tutorial series, just like I made for 1.X and 2.X (don't ask me why Stencyl didn't upload the 2.X series to Stencyl TV; I don't know why either). It's been a 3-month process, filled with setbacks (which you can read about in my game journal:,29931.0.html). However, I'm very pleased with the end result. My tutorials in the past have been called "interactive", and I felt that they never fully lived up to that name. Not with this tutorial though. After many years of coding, I finally have enough experience to create my own "Stencyl" within a flash game. Now, the tutorial is indeed fully interactive.
Now, I'm not willing to release it fully quite yet (will be sending it to Kongregate, possibly NewGrounds, and Stencyl itself for the Stencyl TV area). That's because I've only had limited feedback on it. While I've tested it a lot, I need some other people to look at it and let me know what works (and especially what doesn't

). Thus, I am asking for YOUR help, to look it over and tell me your thoughts. Thank you.
TLDR version: I've made a new tutorial for 3.X, which I hope will help a lot of people learning Stencyl. However, I need feedback on what is explained well and what needs work (especially for how to use the tutorial). Thank you.