Found a cool Stencyl game? Mention it here.


  • Posts: 3
I found "Gyossait", a... particular, atmospheric game from Amon26, author of "All of our friends are dead" and "Au Sable". Here is the link:

I gave it a rapid glance, and I can say it is very well done (for the gfx and the sfx specially). Hope you enjoy it as I did :)


  • Posts: 164

Wow. Seriously....just wow.


  • Posts: 3
space shooter 3000


  • Posts: 430
Dangerous Christmas - The sequel to dangerous dungeons is really good and challenging.


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  • Posts: 649
i have been to the GGJ in berlin this weekend and met some nice people. one of the teams used stencyl to create a game, u should check it out here:


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  • Posts: 17524
It's really cool that we're seeing some participation in these game jams, even without our prodding or involvement. We'll probably get more involved in some of the upcoming ones.


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  • Posts: 73
I actually have two games that I can't wait to publish. I'm just putting some finishing touches on it, and it should be up soon.  :)


  • Posts: 11
Formula 112!
it's a really fun and challenging game, especially on the iPad. you do need an iOS device to play it...
Here's the link:


  • Posts: 19
Found a game on the app store called BaboonBash. It's an awesome physics based game that is extremely challenging!


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  • Posts: 9473
To the three posters above this one, I think this thread is for discussing OTHER people's Stencyl games that you found.


  • Posts: 164
Yeah...I was under the same impression. I wont lie...when I saw you had posted your OWN games, Im pretty sure I gave them thumbs down because of the misuse of the thread.


  • Posts: 21
Lol, how can one 'find' his or her own game?

Maybe they developed it and than forgot about the game, and some time later they found the game and said 'Oh, this is awesome game! I wonder who developed this game! Wow!' and they decided to share it with us.


  • Posts: 875
you guys are awesome

But yeah haha it's lame to post his own stuff

come on guys


  • Posts: 164
clickity clackity clickity...

"Wait a minute.... this game.... its so fun. as if somebody made the cotrols using every button i would have picked... its like this game is inside of my head and pulled out all my ideas, and the filtered them through my technical limitations, and then...that music.... its so....

Who made this game?!?"

click click

"Holy mother of god. I have to tellt he world.?"