I have no idea why scale modes do not work for you. IT should like it shows in demo of http://www.stencyl.com/help/view/mobile-app-scaling/
I also can not understand - and therefore written question on the forum!
Maybe the site was DEMO screen Android device?
Tab MOBILE no rigid binding "Scale: x1, x1.5, x2, x4" with start of the game.
There are only "Mode Scale" and "Max Scale"....
Maybe cause of the problem with the "WEB" in this?
I specifically created a "BALL" (test game) for better test the regime "Settings -> Web"
In the game I did Actor - "Ball" and the Вackground - "image with whirlpool" (size 800*533 px).
"Repeat Вackground?" - no activity.
I set the stage size to 1280 * 704 (pic. Scene 1)
So it was a bit smaller than 1280 * 768 (pic. Scene 2)
When you first start, I installed: "Scale = х1" and "Scale Mode: No Scaling" (pic. Scene 3)
The game started up in the browser window and looked like this (pic. Scene 4)
Note that despite the "Scale Mode: No Scaling" Background Color fills the entire screen size, going beyond the stage size to 1280 * 704 !!!
But regime "Settings -> Web -> Scale Mode: ...." do not work.
Although the information in the article:
http://www.stencyl.com/help/view/full-screen-mode/When you activate the "Settings -> Web -> Scale Mode: ... (any) ..." nothing happens. The game started up in the browser window and looked like this as the "pic. Scene 4"
Regime "Settings -> Web -> Start in Full Screen" do not work.
And when activated "Settings -> Web -> Start in Full Screen" game does not even run in the browser.
Also happened when I used "Events - toggle full screen mode" (pic. Scene 5) game does not even run in the browser.
"Settings -> Web" tab works for me only mode "Scale", where I can set what sprites are applied at "Stencyl" test run games in your browser (1x, 1.5x, 2, or 4 x - pic. Scene 6). But then it turns a simple zoom in 1.5 or 2 or 4 times and the game goes beyond the designated screen size (pic. Scene 7 and pic. Scene 8 ).
Please if you are the Expert or author-developer "Stencyl" - help advice: what's the problem?!