[iOS & Android] AdMob Extension [3.0]


  • Posts: 852
I urgently need an admob integration for my game, which is using the latest stencyl versions. Can someone help me out in getting this working ? I can pay a little fees if you want.

Max Finch

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  • Posts: 2174
Go to page 7 and look at the last post I made on that page ;)


  • Posts: 28
Just a heads up to say thanks for the fix Max, admob working fine in build 7940 now.


  • Posts: 852
Can someone tell me what to write in the 'Device ID' field in the initiation block :(


  • Posts: 72
Why admob is not show in iOS 8 ? I dowloaded the zip of the page 7.


  • Posts: 852
Can someone tell me what to write in the 'Device ID' field in the initiation block :(
just leave this one blank, whoever else  has this doubt


  • Posts: 72
Any suggets for Admob  in iOS8 ?


  • *
  • Posts: 524
Sorry for the lack of support in the past month. Unfortunately I had some issues to solve, but I will be more and more active from now on.

I will probably update this extension to include all the changes that Google made to AdMob. I hope to have a new stable version early next year.
.: BuruBuru :.

Max Finch

  • *
  • Posts: 2174
Why admob is not show in iOS 8 ? I dowloaded the zip of the page 7.

The one on page 7 just keeps the extension from crashing the game. I didn't do anything to make it work as I'm a little unclear on extensions still.

Sorry for the lack of support in the past month. Unfortunately I had some issues to solve, but I will be more and more active from now on.

I will probably update this extension to include all the changes that Google made to AdMob. I hope to have a new stable version early next year.

Glad to hear :)


  • Posts: 2
Hi Abliblablobla,

I have a question about getting the test device id. From my understanding, I'll need to run once real ads on my device in order for the test device id to be shown on the logcat. Is that right?


  • Posts: 856
Hi Abliblablobla,

I have a question about getting the test device id. From my understanding, I'll need to run once real ads on my device in order for the test device id to be shown on the logcat. Is that right?

I'm using an easier way.


  • Posts: 72
Any update for use admob in iOS 8 ?


  • Posts: 325
I use admob and it works well on iOS8  ;)


  • Posts: 72


  • Posts: 325
Which extension?

With this extension fixed by Max Glockling posted at page 7 of this thread ;)