[iOS & Android] AdMob Extension [3.0]


  • Posts: 534
Hey Thank you for your answer!

I will try it in the next days! If it works for you, it should also work for me :-)


Max Finch

  • *
  • Posts: 2174
Hey everyone!

Spent some time with the extension to give you the ability to know if a ad was shown and closed. This is useful especially for video.

This means that once an ad is shown and closed you can do things like spawn UI so the user can move on.

However, that bit only works with iOS right now, sadly I'm not too knowledgable with Android so if someone who knows a thing or two about Android wants to give this new update support for Android feel free.

Other than that, you can know if an ad was shown and closed on iOS.


  • Posts: 64
Hi, i want to test my game on Linux but i don't want to disable the admob extension, so i don't have to back and forth restart the Stencyl. Is there anyway i could do that? the log viewer said :
[openfl.sh] Error: Source path "/home/johantri/stencylworks/engine-extensions/admob/ndll/Linux64/myadmob.ndll" does not exist

Max Finch

  • *
  • Posts: 2174
Updated Admob for iOS. Now supports admob version 7.1.0

Admob Changelong

- Dropped support for iOS 5

- Removed dependency on the -ObjC flag
- Improved ad loading time on iOS 8

Admob will now require you to copy GoogleMobileAds.a from your Stencylworks folder > engine-extensions > admob > ndll > iPhone.
You need to copy that file and past it in stencylworks folder > games-generated > game name > export > ios > game name > lib > arm7 AND arm64

If someone knows how to fix that feel free to fix it!



  • Posts: 475
Omg, always everything change thanks to Apple and Google :P, hard to follow these version modifications.

Thank you for your help Max Glockling!


  • Posts: 523
What's the difference between this version compared to Robin's version? Don't both work on Stencyl 3.3?


  • Posts: 72
May this extension not show ads with last beta extension of Stenyl?



  • Posts: 21
The fullscreen ads are not showin on the iOS simulator,
How could I make them work



  • Posts: 72
Full Screen not show, and banner only works in normal mode, not smart.

This only in device, not in iOS simulator.


  • Posts: 475
So, as I see this AdMob Extension only shows ads on Android platform(smart banners and interstitials) and shows only normal banner ads on iphone mobiles?
If yes, when will be fixed this isssue? This would be a huge part of monetization of Stencyl games.


  • Posts: 488
indeed most of the money comes from adMob ads in my case (25% sales, 30% iad, 45% admob roughly), I understand Stencyl wants to leave it open for devs to integrate the platform they want, but most of us don't want to dive in the code (that's why we are using Stencyl) and we don't know how to create extensions. I think Stencyl should at least support one advertising platform, iAd is great but we need an alternative with interstitials and video.


  • Posts: 534
In my personal opinion , for 199$ a year, basic functions like AdMob, iAd, Chartboost, Reload and Slide (Up/Down/Left/Right) , Show Video andy many more things have to work 100% . It's a thing between love and hate . I love Stencyl, but on the other hand i hate it to . It feels not as a mature product. Anyway, Abliblablobla did a great job with his AdMob Extension. But it should be native and fully usable from the Stencyl team included in every version for all supported plattforms! AMEN


  • Posts: 475
Yes, I totally agree with you guys. I will write about this issue to Stencyl support. Stencyl promised Admob support on the main webpage of purchase. (Ok, not exactly for iOS, but if Stencyl developers make so much effort to keep Stencyl updated for this platform, Admob iOS support also would be VERY important).
Btw, iAd not available in my country so the only option is Admob extension for me. (I haven't tried Chartboost, if working well on iOS that would be my second option).


  • *
  • Posts: 714
Guys, maybe I understand you wrong,

This extension used  not the newest SDK's, and it will not be updated, because of the new version.

In the new version, its shows SMART BANNERS on bouth IOS and ANDROID, and it used the newest SDK's.
You only need to update stencyl to build 8364 of above(for android). And i am trying to update the extension with al the input you guys give.

So why are you using this extension?

« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 03:02:12 am by robinschaafsma »