A few more bugs


  • Posts: 12
In no particular order:

  • When a code block goes red (syntax error), after you fix the error and rebuild, it doesn't lose the red shading (unless you drag it out of its location and replace it) - even if you clean project and recompile successfully.
  • Renaming an attribute does not rename it in either the palette or code window. Thus, you could have (internally) one name and (visibly) a totally different name
  • Events will very often stop working (for no obvious reason). Eg, they work, you change a minor line of code somewhere unrelated, and suddenly they unhook and stop firing (even though you haven't changed the event or the calling code)

These are the only majorly annoying (obvious) bugs I've stumbled across. UI problems and suggestions I've put in another thread.


  • *
  • Posts: 6108
* Error highlighting: yup, I noticed that too.

* Renaming attributes: have you used the "Apply Name" button, next to the internal name field?  (It probably would make more sense to put it next to the name field instead, because the internal name is updated immediately, but a name change needs to "applied" by clicking the button)

* Hard to tell why the events would not be working. Try to find specific steps to reproduce it.


  • Posts: 12
Re "Apply Name" - no, I hadn't. Because when you change the name, it changes in the list above, so I figured it was done. Apply forces a refresh, which is just what I had been doing manually. But cool, that's... slightly easier I suppose.

I'll keep an eye out for the event drop issue, see if I can produce a reliable repro chain.

Haven't figured one out yet though, and I've definitely been trying to suss out what's causing it - if nothing else so I can do things another way, and stop screwing things up.


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  • Posts: 6108
Error highlighting has been fixed.