No Ads possible! HELP!


  • Posts: 396
Hello and welcome to my first post here,
i have a rather complicated question: Why can i not add ads in my game? I bought the 200€ Version a few days ago. When i try it with the 'build in' Admob Version they simply don't show up at all and when i try it with the admob extension (or any other ad ext.) i can not publish the game (wich is the main problem here).  When i can't publish, stencyl shows me an empty LOG and the advise to restart (wich obviously didn't work).
I really need to get this to work but no matter how hard i try....nothing works.

Also i need complete control over the ad (like in admob). For example:
1. Click on Button.
2. A Video Ad runs.
3. After finishing: close ad.
4. Do another action right after it closes.

I really hope you guys can help me here because i don't want to waste 200€ as a student... THANKS! :'(


  • Posts: 856
Admob doesn't have video ads.


  • Posts: 396
Thanks for the replay!
Of course i ment the Interstitial AD, sorry ::) . I already solved the problem, that i couldn't publish the APK (had to delete 2 Lines in the code).
But now the ADs won't show up at all. I placed all blocks 100% correct but when i click on the button that is supposed to trigger the AD nothing happens. Is there a solution for this?


  • Posts: 856
Thanks for the replay!
Of course i ment the Interstitial AD, sorry ::) . I already solved the problem, that i couldn't publish the APK (had to delete 2 Lines in the code).
But now the ADs won't show up at all. I placed all blocks 100% correct but when i click on the button that is supposed to trigger the AD nothing happens. Is there a solution for this?

You must provide more info, screenshots. What you think is 100% correct might be wrong.


  • Posts: 396
I hope i can make everything clear now :D
I used 3 buttons for AdMob.
1. The "INITIALIZE FULLSCREEN AD" Block direktly on the Start Page
2. The "LOAD FULLSCREEN AD" block on the page where the ad should pop up with "created"-event, so it can load directly when entering the interesting things.
3. The "SHOW FULLSCREEN AD" block on the button that is supposed to trigger the Ad with the "always"- Event.
LOAD and SHOW are on the same page.

But when i press it absolutely nothing happens (also on my Sony Xperia Z1 for a test).
When i compine it with another feature, for example a sound then the feature will play but the ad still doesn't react.


  • Posts: 856
I would reccomend something.  Get your device ID . Stencyl->Debug->launch device monitor(I'm not sure but I think the Device ID is that long string after the name, or read in admob extension doc, was stated somewhere how to retrieve the device ID). And plug this device ID in Initialize fullscreen block and recompile. If everything its ok you should see test ads on your device.

Is not necesary true to see live ads. Maybe they are not available for your location/device/etc. But if test ads are shown you are good to go. And also its a very good practice to use test ads when you are messing around with your app. Using live ads and accidentally press them Google can disable your account.