"Motion Tracker - Exfil Point" - game for Android


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  • Posts: 5
Hi everybody,

I would like to introduce my first project, now available on Android.

This is inspired by one of two all-time favorite SF props (for me at least, one is light saber, and other is, of course, motion tracker). Sole appearance of this device on screen and consequent detection of alien motion always sent chills down my spine, so I wandered how to use similar interface as a game layout.  Of course, various simulators are available for some time now, but not actual game (as far as I know). For long time the idea was brewing in my head, but until I tried Stencyl I was not able to put it in motion.

Here is the plot:
Motion tracker device simulation with a twist. Along with motion of aliens, this motion tracker detects bullet trajectories and signals from friendly targets. Luckily, it has button linked to trigger on your pulse rifle, so you can use it to aim and shoot. Also, there is fire selector switch to choose single or auto fire mode. Tilt your device to turn and aim.

Your assignment is to protect exfil (exfiltration) point for civilian retreat. Visibility is zero, so you will have to use device assisted aiming and shooting. Your goal is to defer all approaching alien hostiles and spare friendly targets. In return, every civilian you save will give you his or hers ammunition supply.

How long can you hold your ground?

Some screenshots:

Google play link:

So, if you find this interesting please give it a try. I am grateful for every download and rating, and would appreciate any comment.

Thank you!


  • Posts: 1
hey um did u already buy the studio version of stencyl before u published ur game to android?