Teaching Gigs


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  • Posts: 718
One of the ways to gauge the health of development software is to see the number of related jobs posted for developers. I spotted two Stencyl jobs today. They look pretty cool...


  • The Bronx Museum of the Arts – In-School Museum Educator
  • Manhattan Youth Recreation and Resources, Inc. – After-School Digital Media / Programming Teacher

I was also surprised to see that Minecraft was mentioned in both listings.  :P

They're both part-time, so it doesn't look like a way to get rich teaching Stencyl. But if you're in the NYC area, it might be some fun side money. I don't know. If you are considering the job, you don't have to worry about me being your competition. I'm not planning on applying.  ;D

Anyway, it looks like Stencyl is on the way to becoming a standard tool for teaching programming to beginners. That's pretty cool.
Michael Garofalohttp://photics.com – Author of The Interactive Stencyl Textbook 8)