Admob crashes WHOLE GAME!


  • Posts: 396
Hey guys this time it seems that i really messed up...
in short: when I use any blocks from the extension "AdMob", my whole app crashed as soon as I click on it.
(The App opens = instant crash)
I tried it with another blank game and it seems to work pretty good there. No crash and the fullscreen Ad pops up like normal.

Did anyone here had similar problems? How can i fix that?
It is an android APK and befor i installed Admob everything worked perfectly.

Thanks :)

[LOG] Running command: TRACE
[LOG]  - Changing directory: C:\Users\Megagewinnspiel\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\android-sdk/android-sdk-windows//platform-tools/
[LOG]  - Running command: adb.exe logcat -c
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1776
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1776
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG]  - Changing directory: C:\Users\Megagewinnspiel\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\android-sdk/android-sdk-windows//platform-tools/
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[LOG]  - Running command: adb.exe logcat
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 1
[LOG] Unexpected problem on thread AWT-EventQueue-0: null
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 1x
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:337: Algorithm: Stretch to Fit
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 1x
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:337: Algorithm: Stretch to Fit
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 0.925
[LOG] Unexpected problem on thread AWT-EventQueue-0: null
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1
[LOG] --------- beginning of /dev/log/main
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 0.925
[LOG] --------- beginning of /dev/log/system
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1776
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 1x
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:337: Algorithm: Stretch to Fit
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 0.925
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1776
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 1x
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:337: Algorithm: Stretch to Fit
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32240): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 0.925
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1776
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1776
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1776
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 1x
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:337: Algorithm: Stretch to Fit
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 1x
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:337: Algorithm: Stretch to Fit
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 0.925
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 0.925
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 1x
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:337: Algorithm: Stretch to Fit
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 0.925
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1776
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[LOG] Unexpected problem on thread AWT-EventQueue-0: null
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 1x
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1776
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:337: Algorithm: Stretch to Fit
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 0.925
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 1x
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:337: Algorithm: Stretch to Fit
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32529): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 0.925

It seems to crash when try so scale but i already tried it with "no scaling" = same result....HEEEELP :/

« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 10:40:12 am by megagewinnspiel »


  • *
  • Posts: 524
The logs you posted don't contain any errors. When you post your logs please use Debug > Logs > Generate Logs. When your game crashes on an Android device it would be useful to post also the errors (in red) from the logcat (Debug > Android > Launch Device Monitor).

What build of Stencyl are you using? What version of the Android extension are you using? If you disable the extension, does the game work again?

If your game crashes when it starts, could you post a screenshot of the behavior that uses the AdMob blocks at startup?

I know I am asking a lot of things, but without those I can only try to guess what's wrong with your game.
.: BuruBuru :.


  • Posts: 125
Hi.I have a same proble.When I deactve admob block event - game work fine.If there are any admob extension block placed  - game crash when  I start it. and if there sound on that scene,sound load but screen crash.
Stencyl is: B7994
Extenson is last one

01-09 01:38:16.422: E/BitmapFactory(620): Unable to decode stream: /: open failed: EISDIR (Is a directory)
01-09 01:38:31.398: E/BitmapFactory(620): Unable to decode stream: /: open failed: EISDIR (Is a directory)
01-09 01:38:46.397: E/BitmapFactory(620): Unable to decode stream: /: open failed: EISDIR (Is a directory)
01-09 01:39:01.399: E/BitmapFactory(620): Unable to decode stream: /: open failed: EISDIR (Is a directory)
01-09 01:39:11.371: E/NativeCrypto(1208): ssl=0x5c09dc10 cert_verify_callback x509_store_ctx=0x6a303ab8 arg=0x0
01-09 01:39:11.371: E/NativeCrypto(1208): ssl=0x5c09dc10 cert_verify_callback calling verifyCertificateChain authMethod=ECDHE_RSA
01-09 01:39:16.403: E/BitmapFactory(620): Unable to decode stream: /: open failed: EISDIR (Is a directory)
01-09 01:39:31.403: E/BitmapFactory(620): Unable to decode stream: /: open failed: EISDIR (Is a directory)
01-09 01:39:46.420: E/BitmapFactory(620): Unable to decode stream: /: open failed: EISDIR (Is a directory)


  • Posts: 150
For Android, there's built in AdMob support.
If you're making a game for both iOS and Android, put the blocks from the extension in a 'Do only on iOS' block.


  • Posts: 125
Yeah I am making for both but that means I should use "do only on Android"  - for android as well.but sam eror again:(