Admob Banner HELP!


  • Posts: 396
Hello once again my dear Stencylers,

does someone know, why the AdMob Banner Ad (normal & smart) won't load? Or to be precise: It FAILS to load (the "if AdMob Banner Ad fails to Load"-Block becomes true).
The FullScreen Ad works just fine, but even is i initialise both on the same screen with the exakt same options, it fails to load, while the Fullscreen Ad works.

Had anyone similar problems?

Check if it works:

Thanks :)


  • *
  • Posts: 524
It seems like you are using the same Ad Unit ID for your fullscreen ads and your banner ads. Go to the AdMob dashboard > Monetization > Your App Name > Create New Ad Unit and create a new Ad Unit for banners. You can use this new Ad Unit ID for your normal/smart banner ads.
.: BuruBuru :.