Hi, so I have an idea for a game that takes inspiration from the pokemon games and the early Final Fantasy games. As of right now, my idea is in the early stages of being written on paper, so I really don't have much to offer at this particular moment of time that is the present, :/ except:
.I'm working on spriting 10 actors - from People to capturable creatures for demo purposes.
.I will be including followers - so the player is not alone in such a treacherous world

. Special items - to help the player navigate to new places (think CUT or STRENGTH from pokemon)
One part of this game I have on Stencyl right now is a small demo scene with demo actors that I got completely off the forge. I got the movement how I wanted and the collision / Door portals work fine, but I can't figure out how I would go about setting up random encounters and battle scenes.
Does anyone know how to do this? I am new to Stencyl and from what I have tinkered with so far, I can't see any way to make a pokemon style game. I don't necessarily want anyone to do it for me, but if i can get some confirmation that it can very well be done, that would be great!
P.S. I will be updating this post if I can completely finish a working demo scene. I am very enthusiastic about my idea and I really hope I can develop it well