need lot of help to put the pub with mob ad

Max Finch

  • *
  • Posts: 2174
Have you installed the files that need to be installed to compile to Android?

Debug > Android > Install Java JDK

Debug > Android > Install Android SDK

Max Finch

  • *
  • Posts: 2174
You will also need to enable the developer options on your Android device. Have you done that as well?


  • Posts: 13
yes usb debugging enabled
I install the android sdk I told you what

Max Finch

  • *
  • Posts: 2174
So you've installed the Android SDK and you have Debugging enabled on your device it should work.

Have you gone to Settings > Mobile > Android Certificates and created a certificate?


  • Posts: 13
I'm starting to go crazy nothing works
worse than 3.1 except that I threw $ 200 help me


  • Posts: 13
Hi! thank you very much everything works perfectly  thank you I never forget you :  )


  • *
  • Posts: 524
I'm glad it worked!

Note to the Stencyl team: I know this is an Android only issue, but is there a way to make all the users aware of the fact that they have to do a clean install the first time they use Stencyl 3.2? There are many users who have to ask for help on the forums for this issue. Thanks!

.: BuruBuru :.