Admob HELP


  • Posts: 35
I know there's topics on this in the forums but I can't find any relevant ones......every time I enable the admob extension my game fails to build please help!!!

« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 01:16:15 am by Abliblablobla »


  • Posts: 35
First time I add this to one of my games please help......i'm a noob,


  • Posts: 35
wow posted this in wrong forums.....please move it.


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  • Posts: 9473
I moved the thread here because it belongs here.  Please stop making duplicate posts.


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  • Posts: 524
I know there's topics on this in the forums but I can't find any relevant ones......every time I enable the admob extension my game fails to build please help!!!

This is a reply I posted some time ago. It should help you.

In your case, Stencyl is trying to use an old version of the AdMob SDK. To fix this error, do a clean install of Stencyl. To do a clean install you have to uninstall/delete your current version of Stencyl, download the latest private release and install it. Do NOT install the latest version of Stencyl over your existing one! After you have done a clean install of Stencyl, use Run > Clean Project. This should fix your issue.

Make sure you download the latest private release (Stencyl 3.2 Beta), NOT the latest public release (Stencyl 3.1 Stable). If this reply doesn't help you, please post your full logs here (Debug > Logs > Generate Logs).
.: BuruBuru :.


  • Posts: 35
Thanks Abliblablobla, you're great.