Square Rave! Out now on the App Store!


  • Posts: 139
Out now on the App Store! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/square-rave/id904018075?mt=8

"Square Rave is as satisfying as it is intuitive, and more addictive than both." - Pocket Gamer

"Square Rave is an awesome little music-oriented puzzle game that smacks of games like Lumines, but with its own unique sense of gameplay" - 148Apps

"It can be stressful, but that good kind of stressful... I think Square Rave will be a hit with the twitch gaming crowd" - Touch Arcade

Square Rave is a high-score chasing action game, speeding around an ever-changing field of squares to find safety before the end of each bar of music!

The more blue squares you pass through the higher your score will climb, but be careful - the trail you leave behind will block your path. As the tempo rises, your skills and reflexes will be tested to the extreme!

It's quick to fail, but quick to restart too...

For iPads, iPhones and iPods.

More info:
Blog Post!
Website! www.unusualcadence.com

And here's a trailer!

« Last Edit: November 27, 2015, 03:28:39 pm by UnusualCadence »


  • Posts: 139
Hello! I had to pull the release of this due to a number of reasons, but I'm finally releasing this and I'm very excited about it! Lots of new screenshots and info up :)


  • Posts: 139
Aaaand it's out! Hopefully some further coverage will pop up throughout the day :)



  • Posts: 148
Congrats, nice coverage  :-)
Website: Satch
Twitter: @satchapps.


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
Best New Games in US and Canada 8)


  • Posts: 139
WOW! Thanks so much for the heads up Rob :D It's not in Best New Games in the UK so I wouldn't have known!


  • Posts: 325
Congrats for feature!


  • Posts: 523
Congrats on the feature!

Also, very curious about how the paid model worked out for a high score game. Mind sharing revenue stats?


  • Posts: 139
I think if I were to give advice to myself a month ago, it would be 'don't release a paid app as an unknown developer' :) It's a very difficult market out there, and I went the paid route as an add-supported model didn't really suit what I was going for with the game. Still very proud of the response the game has had so far though!


  • Posts: 523
I think if I were to give advice to myself a month ago, it would be 'don't release a paid app as an unknown developer' :) It's a very difficult market out there, and I went the paid route as an add-supported model didn't really suit what I was going for with the game. Still very proud of the response the game has had so far though!

:) so I'm guessing you don't want to share your rev stats then...what about a ballpark estimate?


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
From what I've recently seen, it's best to release a free, ad-supported game with ad removal as an IAP. You'll find that the vast majority of revenue will come from ads. This particularly holds true if your game is lucky enough to be featured by Apple and get solid reviews from the main sites.