This is some great info. I hope you all keep sharing, even if it's ballpark. Also, what's up with Finland?
- Disposabot made over $2k with sponsorship and placing in Kongregate weekly/monthly contests. I definitely could have monetized it better, but it was my "learn game design" game and I was very burnt out from it.
- Lava Bird for iOS has NEARLY ONE DOZEN $.99 SALES!
I haven't really pushed it much, though. I recently published it on Android with little banners a week ago. I'm not comfortable with the fullscreen ads. But I may need to "monetize more aggressively" soon, as my wife has been very patient and supportive with this life-consuming hobby.
I'll have another game out soon which is much more original. I'm confident it will do better.
Max, you didn't mention Five Colors for iOS. Any reason why?
Also, AdventureIslands posted some sales figures on Duke Dashington while it was featured in the app store. I'd love to hear about how sales are looking after the fact.