Change the contents of "DataUtils.hx" to the text below. I think that was all. Can't remmemebr any more. I know there is 2 lines to change but I'm not sure if they were bot in the same file or not. Let me know if it doesnt work I'll look deeper.
import com.stencyl.Engine;
import com.stencyl.models.Sound;
import nme.display.BitmapData;
class DataUtils {
public static function getTextData(file:String):String {
file = "assets/data/" + file;
#if (flash || js)
var text:String = nme.Assets.getText(file);
var text:String = FileSave.getText(file);
if (text == null) text = ""; // if something goes wrong, return blank text
text = StringTools.replace(text, "\r\n", "\n\r"); // swap double line breaks (Windows-style line breaks)
text = StringTools.replace(text, "\n\r", "\r"); // replace all double breaks with single breaks
text = StringTools.replace(text, "\n", "\r"); // make all line breaks the same type
return text;
public static function getImageData(file:String):BitmapData {
file = "assets/data/" + file;
#if (flash || js)
var image:BitmapData = nme.Assets.getBitmapData(file);
var image:BitmapData = FileSave.getImage(file);
if (image == null) image = new BitmapData(1,1); // if something goes wrong, return blank image
return image;
/* Takes a file path, gets rid of all illegal characters, and splits into a path and a filename. */
public static function subfold(file:String):Array<String> {
for (a in [':','*','?','"','<','>','|'])
file = StringTools.replace(file, a, ""); // remove all illegal characters from path/filename
file = StringTools.replace(file, "\\", "/"); // swap backslashes for forward slashes
file = StringTools.replace(file, "//", "/"); // change double slashes to single ones
while (file.charAt(0) == "/")
file = file.substr(1); // remove leading slashes
var n:Int = file.lastIndexOf("/");
if (n == -1)
return [".", file];
return [file.substr(0,n), file.substr(n+1)];
public static function appendLine(path:String, content:String):Void {
#if flash
trace("ERROR: File IO cannot be accessed on Flash.");
#elseif js
trace("ERROR: File IO cannot be accessed on HTML5.");
var file = getTextData(path) + "\r" + content;
FileSave.saveText(path, file, null);
public static function drawList(g:G, list:Array<Dynamic>, x:Float, y:Float):Void {
for (i in 0...list.length) {
g.drawString("" + list[], x, (y + (i * g.font.getHeight()/Engine.SCALE)));
public static function printList(list:Array<Dynamic>):Void {
for (item in list) {
public static function removeSpecial(text:String, char:Int):String {
var special:String = "";
if (char == 0) {
special = "\n";
} else if (char == 1) {
special = "\t";
return "abc" + special + "def";
public static function getSoundData(filename:String):com.stencyl.models.Sound {
var ext:String;
#if(mobile || desktop || js)
ext = ".ogg";
ext = ".mp3";
var file:String = "assets/data/" + filename + ext;
var = nme.Assets.getSound(file);
return soundToStencyl(nmeSound, filename, ext);
public static function soundToStencyl(, filename:String, ext:String):com.stencyl.models.Sound {
var stencylSound = new com.stencyl.models.Sound(-1, filename, true, false, 0.0, 1.0, ext #if (openfl>="6.0.0") , 0 #end);
stencylSound.streaming = false;
stencylSound.src = sound;
return stencylSound;