Admob extension question (Solved)


  • Posts: 144
Hi guys, a relatively stupid question about the admob extension, but I decided to ask it here instead of that thread. When I use full screen interstitial ads, do I place the load ad block directly beneath the initialize full screen ad block like so?

[When created]
[Initialize admob fullscreen ad ID etc]
[Load admob fullscreen ad]

« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 02:33:55 pm by Abliblablobla »
I know more about Stencyl now.


  • Posts: 63
haha its not a stupid question im wondering the same thing


  • Posts: 144
I have since figured it out.

[Initialize admob fullscreen ad ID etc]
[Load admob fullscreen ad]
[Show admob fullscreen ad]

I separate each segment by about 1 second (not really sure if that makes it more efficient, but it works). Hope this helps!
I know more about Stencyl now.


  • *
  • Posts: 524
There has to be some time between the "Load fullscreen ad" block and the "Show fullscreen block" in your code. Loading a fullscreen ad needs its time depending on the speed of your internet connection.

Marking this thread as (Solved).
.: BuruBuru :.