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  • Posts: 329

#SUPERHYPER is a low-fi, minimalist, pure action game about surviving on a 3-lane grid for as long as possible.

#SUPERHYPER offers 4 different difficulty modes ranging from SUPER to #SUPERHYPER, each with their own unique challenges.


#SUPERHYPER has Game Center leaderboards and achievements for each mode.

Get the Game

- App Store



There's an update waiting on review right now that addresses some kinks and makes unlocking new modes easier. After that there will be a content patch + new control method.

Currently I'm working on new content and an Android release. I also plan to release a desktop version through itch.io.


#SUPERHYPER is really hard and some people get frustrated with the controls. I also made a mistake by shipping the game with the music / SFX / voice over being turned off by default, so I think I lost a lot of momentum early on. No feature from Apple, very few sales.

TouchArcade gave it 4 stars, which is awesome but as far as sales go it's most likely too little too late.

I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining though, just wanted to be open about how the game is doing.  #SUPERHYPER is a niche, raw project, and I'm looking at this release as a learning experience and something for my fans who know I make hard-as-fuck games.


  • Posts: 381
Looks interesting-

This may sound crazy but probably because of the $1.99 pricetag is abeit steep for these type of games.  Try a sale for 0.99 to see if it gets any more popular.. then maybe even offer it for free for a couple days further down the line.


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  • Posts: 329
Oh I know. I was actually late with posting this here, the game's been out for a week, it was on sale for $0.99 until now. I absolutely hate the $0.99 mentality on the app store though so I don't want to promote it. I did it with my first iOS game and I always regretted it.


  • Posts: 381
Pics/videos of your game reminds me of this old school space game.. I forget the name, but it was one of the first games I ever played 25+ years ago -  think it was on Atari or some other ancient device.  Brings back nostalgia!

I think why Free games get so popular is everyone has access to them.  More and more kids are getting these smartphones - but may not have a credit card or a method to purchase anything without bugging their parents.  Hence why they may gravitate towards the free isle.

Anyways , enough of my stupid input ;}

 Good luck!


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  • Posts: 329
Yeah I've been hearing that too. Star Road I think it was called?


  • Posts: 2691
My goodness, you're such a king with Stencyl. Looks great with its retro amazingness, challenge and...

Wait... subliminal cats?

Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


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  • Posts: 329
Thanks! I've been using Stencyl for a looooong time now, lets me do anything I want. Don't think i'll ever feel the need to move away from it.

So after the TA article, I guess a couple of other places picked it up:

App Advice
AppGefahren (German
...and this one!

(Also that's my cat, who was bothering me throughout developing the game NONSTOP ;) )

I absolutely hate the $0.99 mentality on the app store though so I don't want to promote it.

Care to elaborate?