Planets Gone Rogue! - an action / strategy hybrid


  • Posts: 424
Update: The game is now live. If you are interested in playing it, you can play it on these platforms:

Android Version:

GameJolt Flash Version:

Kongregate Flash Version:

Newgrounds Flash Version:

The versions are near identical, GameJolt has the best audio / video quality, but the other platforms have scoreboards and Newgrounds has 25+ medals for you to hunt down. ;)

If I find the time I want to look into the GameJolt API to add Trophies and Scoreboards there as well. I would also be interested in releasing on iOS, but I have no Mac and no I-device available so I must see whether this game attracts enough players to justify the effort in cost and dev-time.

Original Post:

Planets Gone Rogue! is an action / strategy hybrid in which heavily armored planets fight to the death in a 2D side view. Players must take control over their home planet's defenses to find the unknown source of an interplanetary attack. A round-based exploration mode allows to collect resources and improvements, which will increase the odds of survival in the next battle encounters with enemy planets.

I plan to release the game on November 1st, until then, here is a trailer and some screenshots so you get an idea what the game is about:


(click images for larger version)

If there is general interest, I will keep up this thread as a dev journal to post news about this game when / after it is released.

Since you are all fellow Stencyl developers, please don't hesitate to ask if you want to know how certain things have been done in Stencyl, I'm more than happy to share my knowledge that I have gained when creating this game.

« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 09:37:50 am by MrWagoner »

Check out my newest game: Blowy Fish!


  • *
  • Posts: 2279
Great job on the trailer. It looks very professional :)


  • Posts: 424
Great job on the trailer. It looks very professional :)

Thank you very much! I tried my best to make something out of the already existing game assets. ;)

Fun Fact: The "space nebula" scenes where the camera is moved to the left with the bullets flying around were also made in Stencyl.

Check out my newest game: Blowy Fish!


  • Posts: 371
Nice trailer MrWagoner!  How much of that trailer was made with in-game footage and how much was other stuff (Like the panning of scenes)?


  • Posts: 424
Nice trailer MrWagoner!  How much of that trailer was made with in-game footage and how much was other stuff (Like the panning of scenes)?

Thank you! The scenes where the camera is panning to the left and the bullets flying around were recorded from a  Stencyl "game" that I only created to animate this sequence. The text that appears in these scenes was added with Windows Movie Maker.
All other scenes are  in-game footage from the "real" game.

Both games share the same assets, but for the panning scene I used the 4x scale version of the graphics while the game uses 2x (or 1x when scaled down).

Check out my newest game: Blowy Fish!


  • Posts: 371
Cool.  Thanks for explaining that.  The more I work with Stencyl and the more I read what other people are making with it the more I see how versatile Stencyl really is.  Definitely one of the better game trailers I've seen around these parts.  I'm looking forward to checking this game out.


  • Posts: 424
The more I work with Stencyl and the more I read what other people are making with it the more I see how versatile Stencyl really is.

True, true....sometimes I had to employ some workarounds to get everything working as I wanted it but in the end everything fell into place.

Thanks for checking out the trailer / the game, I'm still busy with fine-tuning and polishing at the moment but it looks good that it 'll be available on 1st of November. 

Check out my newest game: Blowy Fish!


  • Posts: 1
Update: The game is now live. If you are interested in playing it, you can play it on these platforms:

Android Version:

GameJolt Flash Version:

Kongregate Flash Version:

Newgrounds Flash Version:

The versions are near identical, GameJolt has the best audio / video quality, but the other platforms have scoreboards and Newgrounds has 25+ medals for you to hunt down. ;)

If I find the time I want to look into the GameJolt API to add Trophies and Scoreboards there as well. I would also be interested in releasing on iOS, but I have no Mac and no I-device available so I must see whether this game attracts enough players to justify the effort in cost and dev-time.

Original Post:

Planets Gone Rogue! is an action / strategy hybrid in which heavily armored planets fight to the death in a 2D side view. Players must take control over their home planet's defenses to find the unknown source of an interplanetary attack. A round-based exploration mode allows to collect resources and improvements, which will increase the odds of survival in the next battle encounters with enemy planets.

I plan to release the game on November 1st, until then, here is a trailer and some screenshots so you get an idea what the game is about:


(click images for larger version)

If there is general interest, I will keep up this thread as a dev journal to post news about this game when / after it is released.

Since you are all fellow Stencyl developers, please don't hesitate to ask if you want to know how certain things have been done in Stencyl, I'm more than happy to share my knowledge that I have gained when creating this game.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong I cant seem to play this game lol.. I'm using the android version