Using iAds banners with AdMob Interstitial, any problem? (Solved)


  • Posts: 232
Hello there! I was here wondering....

For what I've read in stencylpedia, and in the blocks on Stencyl, Stencyl doesn't have support to iAds Interstitial/FullScreen Ads or did I miss something?

If thats right, for the countries that support iAds, is there any known problem to initialize AdMobs full screen Ads and use iAds banners together? Or do I have to choose only one of them?

Thanks in advance! =)

« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 02:43:57 pm by Abliblablobla »
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  • Posts: 524
Stencyl doesn't support iAd fullscreen ads.

There's no problem if you want to use AdMob when iAd is unavailable. There is a small chapter at the end of the documentation that briefly shows you how to use AdMob in this situation.
.: BuruBuru :.