Hi there I recently wanted to publish my game for Android so that I could get that API file but apparently there's a problem. I am using the AdMob extension (I enabled it) and have used the blocks and did all the steps and requirements I had to. But apparently I couldn't test it afterwards, did I do something wrong? I have already filled up all the necessary requirements such as the Ad-Mob Published ID in the Settings, and I have entered all the necessary information in the block. (Except for the "for device with 'device ID' since it is optional and only for Android devices, wait does have to be filled?) I have also filled in the 'Ad Unit ID' but it still doesn't work can someone please help me out? Oh and also if you're wondering, yes it also fails on testing it on my Android device, it only works when I lift off and take out all the AdMob extension block.
I have also added the log down here.
Thank you for your concern,
Have a nice day.