Stencyl 1.2 - (Released Oct 26th)


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  • Posts: 17524
We're updating the updater and will push the release back up tonight.


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  • Posts: 17524
The update is back up. Anybody who updated will get a second opportunity to upgrade properly.


  • Posts: 41
Thanks for updating the update.

2 questions please?

1) How much memory do we have to play with before there is too much of a lag or slowdown on the most common computers?

2) Can you include links to the istencyl games that made it into itunes?



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  • Posts: 173
The update is back up. Anybody who updated will get a second opportunity to upgrade properly.


Thanks, Jon! It works 100% now!


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  • Posts: 487
I actually was successful for updating it to the orginal StencylWorks 1.2.
Hi, all! I'm KungFuFurby, music composer. If you're looking for some music for your game, just PM me.
My Works List for Non-Stencyl Games
My Works List for Stencyl Games


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  • Posts: 17524
Besides the actual upgrade process, is everything checking in OK for everyone? Any broken games?

Miasmos Games

  • Posts: 878
Seems to work well for me, although I've been having some weird opacity glitches since I got 1.2.

Cupcake Bounce


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  • Posts: 173
Besides the actual upgrade process, is everything checking in OK for everyone? Any broken games?

OK here;

(windows xp sp3)


  • Posts: 116
All actors have enabled continuos collision detection by default. Is this really a good idea?


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  • Posts: 17524
A lot of new (or even intermediate) users find fast or even moderately fast actors falling through the floor, going through walls that traces back to CCD not being enabled. We decided to keep it on by default, and it hasn't seemed to affect performance visibly in any case.


  • *
  • Posts: 1285
Is it possible to remove continues detection? I have flash(not behaviors)errors when applying continues detection to my main actor. Details if it helps
[object AlchemyExit]
at Function/<anonymous>
It's happening when actor stay between platform that move down and  tiles so when platform pressing on actor, game freezing.


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  • Posts: 2607
It is a setting on the physics tab of the actor. You can turn it on and off.


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  • Posts: 1285
Ok, thanx, I do not have 1.2 yet, will wait for installer, but in 1.1 was just enabled con. coll. det.


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  • Posts: 17524
We're hoping to put the installers up this weekend. We're putting the finishing touches on a completely automated way, so there will be no lag time in the future.


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  • Posts: 17524
We've decided to hold off on the installers until the impending iStencyl launch, when we'll include the Lite edition with every copy of StencylWorks.

Not too much longer anyways. ;)