Hi everyone ,
Just a couple of suggestions ,
1.)When publishing to the music to the forge it good and helpful to edit the music with Audacity and take away the metadata
it could save time for the Stencylers and of course it your choice but it might get more people downloading when metadata are removed.
Audacity :
http://audacity.sourceforge.net/2.) It's good to save every 10 minutes because it could happen Stencyl could crash and it happens sometimes.
3.) It good to listen when a MASTER Stencyler give you advice don't just ignore it .
4.) Please do not Triple post in a row it gets Stencylers annoyed,rather you should use the modify function.
5.)When downloading from the forge it's good to check the licence.
Creative Common Attributes = you could use as long as you give the author credit .
Public Domain = you could do anything legal with it (don't have to give credit to author )
All Rights Reserved = Check the authors terms for further details.
Well Stencylers thats it for today use Stencyl well and wisely
