Well, now that the results have been announced, let's see how I did:

Seems like my aim for the top 500 has turned out alright! Let's briefly break this down...
Audio: 3.46 - #141 
Really didn't expect this... that is, until a bunch of people said they really liked my little chiptune track.
Innovation: 3.52 - #289 
I'm grateful the community thought my game was pretty unique!
Graphics: 2.68 - #822 
Well, it looks like I need to work some more on my graphic design skills.
Overall: 3.27 - #476 
I'm pretty satisfied with this. The slippery controls seemed to hurt it quite a bit, though. Next time I'll try to get my game's controls feeling good ASAP.
Coolness: 60% - Bronze 
Rating 35 games is OK, but next time I'll try to rate more. 75 ratings (the amount I received this time) doesn't seem like a bad goal.
Overall, as this was my first endeavor into Ludum Dare (or any game jam, for that matter), I've learned quite a lot. I'll try to post a full post-mortem on the LD website soon. I'm also going to work on Snake Rider some more over the next few weeks, and eventually get it up on Newgrounds.