.ogg file is not working. [solved]


  • Posts: 18
I have tried to import a .ogg file as a sound effect and nothing happens. The game still runs. No error. It just doesn't import in. I can hear the file fine in Audacity, VLC media player, and Adobe Soundbooth. I don't understand it. It just doesn't play.
I've tried 22050Hz, 11025Hz, AND 44100Hz.
Made sure there was no meta data.
I'm really at a loss.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2015, 08:29:07 am by AnthonyJenkin »


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
I believe that for playing the sound while in the editor, you need MP3.  Also, if you're testing in Flash, that uses MP3, not OGG.


  • Posts: 18
Thanks! Exactly what I needed to know.


  • *
  • Posts: 5
I'm having the same problem.  I published my game in flash and you still can't hear the audio. Ogg doesn't work in flash at all then?
My game's weight is just massive with all the MP3's I'm using and I wanted to use .ogg, but it won't work.  :-\


  • *
  • Posts: 6108
There's no way to make Flash use OGGs, you need MP3s.


  • Posts: 16
I have problem with OGG , so when test game by Android platform in stencyl , show ERROR message says:" This Platform requires OGG sounds"

Any help!!!


  • Posts: 16
I have problem with OGG , so when test game by Android platform in stencyl , show ERROR message says:" This Platform requires OGG sounds"

Any help!!!


  • Posts: 2
I have the same problem, how to solve it ?


  • Posts: 3
Greetings all. Having similar error in 2024.

Stencyl ver. 4.1.4 - 24-07-01_23-18-56

On attempting to export game/scene to HTML5.
Receive error: ("Import your sounds as Oggs. The problematic sound will now open up")

I removed ALL MP3 sounds from game > Export successful (for one or two exports).
Upon further editing (no new sounds added) I attempt to export game/scene to HTML5 and receive INVERSE error:
("Import your sounds as MP3s. The problematic sound will now open up")

I removed ALL OGGs sounds from game. I am able to export successful (for one or two tries). Then the error returns again.  Please help.  This error is rendering the program unusable.

Thank you in advanced for your time!