Android don't load ads when upgrade the project


  • Posts: 4
Hello everyone,

I' m having a big problem when i upgrade the old version of admob to the new, in some games the game run perfect but the admob ads doesn't show and i haven't any error on logs, when i see the log info never attempt to load the Ads from google.
I create a new project to test with the new ads and loads perfectly and appears on the log file the tag: Ads and goes perfect.

I'm making me crazy with that because on the "old" project doesn't work, i uninstall the extension / compile / install the extension / compile and nothing, i think is a problem when i put the new version and this doesn't add any "something" on the android.xml or something and this don't compile the Ads.

I still trying to do this...



  • *
  • Posts: 9473
Did you already try Run > Clean Project?


  • Posts: 4
I think you should remove old Admob extension blocks(initialize, load, show) from your game and after that add them again.


  • Posts: 4
Yes, i Clean the project, delete the old admob and reinstall the extension.
I export the game to other clean computer and nothing, still trying to do this.

Thanks for your response.


  • Posts: 4
The solution was install the latest JDK because i had the 1.7 and the latest is 1.8, Clean the project and the ads works perfectly.

Thanks for all who response this thread.