
  • Posts: 76
Hi Stencylers,

I'm trying to update an app I uploaded to the App Store several months ago. I updated my Stencil version to 3.2 b7948. Upgraded my Mac to Yosemite and Xcode to 6.1.1 and made some minor improvements to my app. Nothing big, just changed a couple of behaviours and images. But when I tried to upload my app via the Application Loader, it threw me the following:

ERROR ITMS-9000: "This bundle is invalid. The application-identifier entitlement is missing; it should contain your 10-character Apple Developer ID, followed by a dot, followed by your bundle identifier."

Does any of you have and idea about how to fix this?

Thanks a lot four your help.


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  • Posts: 2279
I am getting this error also. It is for someone else. I am on their developer account. And I've tried using many many many combinations of their certificates, certificates they made for me and certificates that I made for myself. All of them build to a finished .ipa but then the error above appears when using application uploader.


  • *
  • Posts: 2279
I just deleted everything in the dev account and my keychain related to the game I was producing. Then I went through step by step, making sure there was only one certificate and one mobile provision, etc. So for betofantasioso, if you are still having trouble (3 months later), here's some things to try:

1. Make sure you only have one distribution and one developer certificate, plus one adhoc and one normal mobileprovision related to your game.
2. In your keychain access, verify that you have private keys for the certificates before making the p12.
3. Then, after trying to produce, if it gives the signing error in Stencyl, have Xcode open in the background verifying that your account is the active account.

If you've been working on it for a while (especially clicking the "Fix" button in Xcode), you may have a lot of keys, certificates and mobile provisions floating around.