Hidden Object game


  • Posts: 22

I'm new here in Stencyl and i need to create a Hidden Object game for android smartphone as my research. Is there any tutorials available here?

I really don't know where to start.

Thanks in advance.


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  • Posts: 1401
Simple Hidden Object games are simple to build.
Do some crash courses first: http://www.stencyl.com/help/start/

What you will need in a nutshell:
  • A scene background
  • Actors on top (the hidden objects) which disappear after clicking/tapping. Use cutted pngs
  • Those need to be linked to the words you show below (you can also work with silhuettes instead of words)
  • Check the time and missclicks the user has to create a highscore

Good Luck!

« Last Edit: December 18, 2014, 09:08:30 am by Bombini »


  • Posts: 22
Thanks for your reply. It's a big help.


  • Posts: 22
Hi I would like to ask would i possibly do this? I have no idea about it.
  • Those need to be linked to the words you show below (you can also work with silhuettes instead of words)


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  • Posts: 1401

I would use a list.
Make a list for youself (in any editor) where you assign numbers to the objects that you have.
Lets say: lantern=1, fireplace=2, dragon=3

Now create a list in stencyl and add those numbers to it.
Show the png (create actor) and show the the text (draw text) if the number is in the list. Remove if not in the list.
Remove  the number from the list if you click the actor (will remove the actor and text)

Add mastery to your scene.
Create a game attribute list on game start.
Sort your objects into difficulties and display them the more the scene is played.

Hope it helps!


  • Posts: 22
Can you teach me how to do this listing? I'm having trouble doing it.


  • Posts: 22
I don't know how to do it. :(

« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 10:28:47 am by wushung »


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  • Posts: 1401

it is rather easy.
You should make some tutorials first to understand how everthing works.
I made a small playable prototype below and attached the code.
Recreate it yourself and advance on it.

Have fun:

<a href="http://www.mabafu.com/spacepirate/HOgame.swf" target="_blank" class="new_win">http://www.mabafu.com/spacepirate/HOgame.swf</a>


  • Posts: 22
Thanks! it helped me a lot!


  • Posts: 55
thanks for this, I'm new to Stencyl myself and fancy building a hidden object game (i've been planning it all out on paper and finding different bits from tutorials to handle all the functionality). does stencyl offer any functionality for displaying the items in a vertical list (like a html list) so that if one of the items is removed the list re-orders itself accordingly? e.g. if the middle item is removed the lower half of the list moves up to fill the gap.

I'm hoping that once i have the game finished i can offer it on here as a learning tool


  • *
  • Posts: 1401
I uploaded the demo above to StencylForge. Its called "Hidden Object game demo".

Regarding your question: I would do it a bit simpler.
Create a new item "per random or however you want" when you kill one.
It can take a look but it will take some days because sick and busy.
