Drag and drop behaviors problem


  • Posts: 16
  Hi @ LIBERADO , I have problems in my game, my game contains 10 actors as a bird and same. how select bird by pressed " enter" to using it for control movement and so on in each bird ?



  • Posts: 16
  Hi @ LIBERADO , I have problems in my game, my game contains 10 actors as a bird and same. how select bird by pressed " enter" to using it for control movement and so on in each bird ?



  • *
  • Posts: 2720
how select bird by pressed " enter" to using it for control movement and so on in each bird ?
This is a different issue, and you should create a new topic for it.
I'm spanish, excuse me for my bad English.
I'm not a private teacher. Please, post your questions in the public forum.


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
To add to that, create ONE new topic and stop spamming other threads.