Before you say: NO GAMEPLAY?!?! THIS IS A IDEA!
No. I am working on the game, its in development. So sorry for no gameplay. ANYWAY, TO THE TOPIC!
DevientArt Preview, were dev started: page: I forgot to tell you this, This is a non-profit game, made for fun. It will be exported to Mac and PC Desktop, not Flash or Stencyl's Arcade.
Five Nights at Spongebob's is a spoof of Five Nights at Freddy's, but instead of using Clickteam Fusion 2.5, I used Stencyl.
I got inspired to make the game after the Game Maker game, Five Nights at Treasure Island. So here we go.
Journal (wrote it in TextEdit, and will update here):
12/18/14 - Devlopment Started, made some CGI stuff and got all SFX
12/20/14 - Dev on Hiatus until 22nd, due to me going to my dads.
12/22/14 - Posted Topic, Sad because I don't have money to get Indie liscence.
In the attachments is the menu music, k.