Dialog Extension Newbie


  • Posts: 22
I'm trying to switch scenes using the dialog  on my first scene it works but for my second scene it doesn't.

here's my dialog(not working):
<showname "Detective Lewis"><face 1>Hey Partner, try to look around and gather some evidences.<but><end>+Scene1+


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  • Posts: 4716
Looks like you're following my guide in this thread. You need to get rid of the <end> tag before +Scene Name+, because <end> stops the dialog so you never get to the scene switcher.

The scene switching has logic to end the dialog itself (assuming you followed that part of the guide), so in this case it's okay not to use an <end> tag.
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  • Posts: 22
yeah i'm following that thread. i removed the <end> tag but still it doesn't switch scenes.

<showname "Detective Lewis"><face1>Ok Chief we're on it!<but>+ExtraScene1+ (This worked)

<showname "Detective Lewis"><face 1>Hey Partner, try to look around and gather some evidences.<but>+Another Scene+ (This didn't worked)

they are from a different dialog. do i need to do anything at the scene's event?


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  • Posts: 4716
Make sure that both scenes have the scene transitioning behavior you created.
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


  • Posts: 22
ok thnx.. not it works. Another question is how to add another image(face1, face2, face3 etc...) on a dialog?


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  • Posts: 4716
You have your face images in [game folder]/extras/[ext] dialog/images, right? It looks like you already have an image for "face 1" there. Just add more images and use the appropriate value for your <face> tag.
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


  • Posts: 22
Can I somehow remove the keys needed to control the dialog? somewhat like clicking an actor rather that pressing "v" or something?


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  • Posts: 4716
There's no way without coding it right now, but it'll be built in in the future.

If you want to try working it out for yourself in the meantime, the input checks are in engine-extensions/dialog/src-ext in the following three files: DialogOptions.hx, FlowScripts.hx, and SkipScrips.hx. If you search for "Input" in those three files you can see all the checks for key presses. You would want to replace them with Input.mouseDown, Input.mouseUp, Input.mousePressed, Input.mouseReleased, Input.mouseX, and Input.mouseY as desired.
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


  • Posts: 22
Tried to search for "Input" in DialogOptions.hx and SkipScrips.hx but nothing found,

however I tried to search "Input" in FlowOptions.hx and i found many and i don't know which one should i replace:

public var clearAfterInput:Bool;
public var noInputSoundWithTags:Array<String>;
for(tagname in style.noInputSoundWithTags)
noInputSoundWithTags.push("" + tagname);
var snd:Sound = style.inputSound;
clearAfterInput = true;
for(cancelTag in noInputSoundWithTags)

sorry for being dumb. -_-