Sorry if this is not the right forum for this kind of stuff (I'm new to Stencyl) but I've made a platformer demo over the holidays and would love to get some feedback.
The game doesn't have any objectives or challenges yet. It has only one scene to jump and run around. I've been trying to get the controls right and rushed some art in.
Anyway, if you have a minute or two to try it out and maybe comment on:
How does the gameplay (=controlling player) feel (heavy, light, too fast?)? You feel like you're in control? Does he jump when you try to? You fall a lot from ledges (and didn't intend to)? Do the damn slopes cause you problems? When jumping, do you land where you we're aiming to? Bugs, getting stuck or random super jumping?
The reason I'm asking you is that I'm already too blinded and numb to judge. I picked up Stencyl week ago and well.. been at it since then

If I'll keep at this project, I really want the core stuff to be tight as possible.
Try it out: