Admob Extension Keeps Crashing?


  • Posts: 224
I have just updated my stencyl to the latest version and my admob extension seams to be crashing when i attempt to build my game as an apk. All i wish to do is have an advert appear when a particular screen is opened.  I have attached my log to the post in case that makes it easier to diagnose the problem.



  • Posts: 19
Hey Matt,

I had the same problem with the AdMob Extension. The game builds then loads for like half a second, just enough to get a glimpse of the first screen, and then crashes. I couldn't get it to work, whatever I did.

In the end I stopped using the extension and just filled in all the necessary details for ads, in Settings->Mobile ( publisher key, certificate). I'm now using the built-in ad blocks for showing and hiding ads. That works just fine: game works and ads work.

Here's the link for the tutorial on Stencylpedia:

The ads might not show up immediately, but give it a few seconds, maybe a minute and they'll show up if all your details are correct. When you're testing the game, just be careful not to click the ads, so that you don't generate false clicks.

Good luck,


  • Posts: 159
Yes, me too had big issues getting game run with admob extension enabled.
Now that Stencyl build-in blocks are used, the issue is gone.

But, do you know  how to show full-screen ads with the build-in blocks?
The banner-ads seems to work ok, but howabout full-screen ones?

« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 05:27:54 am by cabinfever »


  • Posts: 63
same issue here. im thinking if you want to get it to work as before maybe reinstall one of the older versions of stencyl 3.2 before the official release which use to work really well ?


  • Posts: 159
well, I keep hoping that this issue would be either solved from Stencyl side (getting support for full screen ads with native blocks AND 64-bit iOS support) or whatever is wrong in the admob-extension would be fixed.

There must be a new version (3.3?) of Stencyl coming real soon to offer support for 64-bit iOS apps.
UPDATE: Now that we have new AdMob-extension which is compatible with 3.2 latest private builds, the full screen ads are working! And game no longer crashes on startup on Android!! Thanks!!

« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 05:58:14 am by cabinfever »