[Solved] Can't attach "Return to start of loop" event thing where I'm sure I can


  • Posts: 5
So... I'm trying to follow part 6 of "Abigayl's Interactive Tutorials" and ran into a problem.

I'm at the part where I need to return to the start of a loop after manually checking if this actor these events are in touched the player... or atleast I think that's what's going on?

Anyways when I go to try and attach the "Return to the start of loop" thing where the picture in the turturial says to put it... it not attaching. Figured it was a bug at first but after seeing if anything else would attach they would.... just not "Return to start of loop".

So I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong but I have no idea at this point because... I'm sure I'm trying to attach it to a loop... heck I even got the same event attached it an earlier part!

The red line in the screenshot is pointing to where I'm trying to attach the event at.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 08:12:24 pm by superBlast »


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  • Posts: 9473
No you aren't doing anything wrong; it is indeed a bug.  If you take the trigger event blocks out and then connect the return block, you should be able to put the set of blocks in.


  • Posts: 5
Oh yay, That worked! Thanks for the help. Now back to learning how this program works~