Interactive Game? Possible?


  • Posts: 131
Hello guys, My friend is asking if is there a chance that she could make an interactive educational game for kids in stencyl 2.x?

She aims to make an Interactive game that has Letters and Numbers that can animate and then a game that can compare the numbers of something ? like there is a Given Number like 5 and the user should choose an image that has 5 things on it.?

Absolutely, this is quite possible.


  • Posts: 131
How can i animate the game sir? i mean animate the latters , numbers and colors because this game is for children i think 7 - 8 years old ? A - Z and 1 - 10 and basic colors.... I dont know how can i animate the given letters from stencyl.

Well Stencyl is for the game designing but you'd want to make your actor images in a program like Photoshop, gimp or Pixelmator then import them. For animations, you'll need one picture per frame of that actor.


  • Posts: 131
But can i just use the Tweening Behavior to animate the actor ? I am thinking that i will make the letters/number become an actor to animate it a little like Spin/Slide/Fade/Scale.