Flex 4.5 provides ability to build Apps on Android, iOS, and Blackberry.


  • Posts: 1118
Adobe sent me an email today stating that they will soon be releasing Adobe CS5.5.

While browsing through some of the new features, I came across information that discusses a new version of the Flex framework, more specifically, Flex 4.5. It appears that it will add greater support for developing Flash applications on more mobile devices, with enhanced performance.

All of this supposed to be taken advantage by the recent update to Flash Player 10.2, which also recently launched on Android powered devices.


Just out of curiosity, how will these new updates relate in terms of StencyWorks? I realize we have the iOS port being worked on which is for many reasons but, I think I am more curious about the ability for SW creations to work on Android and Blackberry devices, without specific SW applications geared towards those devices.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share these new updates with the community.

« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 01:48:40 pm by Epic428 »
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  • *
  • Posts: 17524
For Android, I think it wraps it up as a normal AIR application and runs it via the Flash support. Performance is pretty bad.

iOS performance was atrocious, and a hello world app was close to 10 MB, and that was a raw Flixel game, not a Stencyl game.


  • Posts: 1118
Oh wow, those are very poor results! It would definitely be much better then to go with the native ports.
James Moore - Official Support & Documentation.
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