Stencylpedia Updates


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  • Posts: 4643
Greetings fellow Stencylers!

This topic will be used to track the changes to Stencylpedia and receive feedback on these updates. Our goal is to ensure that all articles are 100% accurate when used with the current, public release of Stencyl.

If you see anything that is wrong in an article or the blocks guide, please feel free to point it out here.

Recent Work

- Blocks Guide (November 2015)
- Pass through (and rewrites) of most of Stencylpedia (November 2015)
- Rewrite of Crash Course 1 (October 2015)
- Rewrite of Atlases article (WIP)
- Rewrite of Joysticks article (WIP)

Future Work

- Rewrite of Crash Course 2
- Rewrite of Chapter 2

« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 10:38:40 am by Jon »
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 4643
WIP notes for self:
Crash-Course 2 completed.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 03:35:48 pm by Hectate »
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 430
Thanks for working on updating Stencylpedia! I'm sure it will help lots of folks to solve their Stencyl problems.

IMHO, Optimizing Game Performance and Optimizing Actor Performance need to be updated soon, especially the latter, since recycling actors is automatic now. Thanks in advance!
Fontstruct - Stencyl - Website (in progress)

Proud Member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 4643
Thanks for the notes, I will check them out.

I had planned to finish this weekend but what I thought was going to be free time (women at a bridal shower, me free at home) turned into babysitting instead hah.
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 50
Hello Hectate,

I started a topic with the following question :-

" According to stencylopedia, pausing don't affect 'Every N seconds events'  :-
" What about "do every N seconds" events? These also remain active. If you wish to pause them, wrap their contents in an if-statement checking whether the game is not paused. "


In the game I am working on, When I pause the game it also pauses all 'Every N second events' I have! One possible explanation I am guessing is that because I have these 'Every N second events' in actors and not in behaviors and pausing pause those actors and  don't allow them to carry there Every N second event but I am not sure and would like a little explanation as this can cause some bad bugs in the game.
and Donni11 pointed me to this thread. Please solve my doubt, and Thanks for helping the community!


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  • Posts: 4643
Back at this...

And finally Crash-Course 2 is done! Please enjoy :)

« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 03:35:30 pm by Hectate »
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 523
Please update the atlas tutorial!


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  • Posts: 17524
Over the course of the next month or so, I'll be updating almost all of Stencylpedia. We're open sourcing all of its content, so to speak.

All of the raw documents will now be hosted on Github (which will allow the public to propose edits, "fork" translations, etc.) and pulled from Github and presented on our site in the existing style.

Articles are composed in Markdown, a bbcode-like language that a lot of sites these days support. Here's an example of an article on Github - then the same article on Stencylpedia.

As of this post, Chapters 6, A, B, C and most of 9 have been converted over to the new format. The remaining articles are substantial and will take a lot of time to go through, especially articles like the Atlas one which effectively need to be done from scratch.
It's challenging and time-consuming to maintain documentation for a complex, changing app like ours. With your help, allowing public edits via Github will make it significantly easier to keep the content fresh.


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  • Posts: 17524
The new Crash Course 1 is now live.  Thanks to Cory for taking this up!


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  • Posts: 17524
With the exception of chapter 2, crash course 2 and a pair of articles (Atlases, Joysticks), every part of Stencylpedia has personally gotten a close look from me, and in many cases, a reworking to bring it up to date and make each article clearer.

On top of that, I took time this week to create a brand new Block Guide entirely from scratch.

It is available for viewing from our site (we'll link to it properly and announce formally in the future) and from within the app by right-clicking on any block and selecting "View Help". This will open the block's entry in your browser and highlight it on the page. Every single block in Stencyl is now covered.


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  • Posts: 1632
Thanks for all your great work. I've read some of the updated stencylpedia articles and there are better than before.
I've even learned some new things


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  • Posts: 17524
Thanks. If you haven't already peeked, you might be interested in reading the updated extensions guide. That's one part I pretty much rewrote from scratch.


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  • Posts: 1632
Cool, I've read them . Indeed the images are really great. Would have loved to have it when I started my first mobile extension ;)
I ve found a missing page
the link is  from here
Code: [Select]
Sending Data back from Native Code to Haxe

A big part of Stencyl's ease of use comes in the form of Events. As a developer, it's more convenient to be automatically notified that something has happened, versus having to constantly check if that something has happened.
I'll reread later and try to put in a post what I think is missinng ( for android just).


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  • Posts: 17524
Thanks, fixed up the bad link.


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  • Posts: 2181
Wow ! Great job on the new Stencylpedia :) !

Just some notes :
- Crash Course 2 is not editable
- Multiplayer Games is not editable
-Multiplayer Games is not in TOC (table of contents)
-Using Labels is not editable
-Using Labels not in TOC

« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 05:19:52 pm by Donni11 »