Over the course of the next month or so, I'll be updating almost all of Stencylpedia. We're open sourcing all of its content, so to speak.
All of the raw documents will now be hosted on Github (which will allow the public to propose edits, "fork" translations, etc.) and pulled from Github and presented on our site in the existing style.
Articles are composed in Markdown, a bbcode-like language that a lot of sites these days support. Here's an example of an article on
Github - then the same article on
As of this post, Chapters 6, A, B, C and most of 9 have been converted over to the new format. The remaining articles are substantial and will take a lot of time to go through, especially articles like the Atlas one which effectively need to be done from scratch.
It's challenging and time-consuming to maintain documentation for a complex, changing app like ours. With your help, allowing public edits via Github will make it significantly easier to keep the content fresh.