Stencylpedia Updates


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  • Posts: 17524
Crash Course 2 and Chapter 2 have not gotten a look over yet.

The other articles are orphaned articles that we'll probably remove in the future. How did you discover the labels article when we haven't been using them for a long time?


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  • Posts: 2738
New blocks guide looks great! Having quick access to the rest of the Haxe names for the functions will be a big help.

There is one technicality I noticed, and I'm not sure if it is a bug, should be a suggestion to look at, or should just be documented--but there's a subtlety in those two "game attribute with name [---]" blocks that's worth noting. Depending on the platform, they either initialize to zero, or null. This could be troublesome if you use those blocks to implement, say, a high score for each level of a game (using the scene name for the attribute name). On Flash, the check "is new score greater than current high score?" works as expected, but on Android (and Linux too, if I recall right) this check fails because you're comparing a number with null. The result is a game that appears to break itself when you try to run it on a new platform


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  • Posts: 2181
@Jon, the labels I found when I was searching for something else on the Stencylpedia , I noticed the article and checked it out and saw it wasn't editable. I didn't know Stencyl didn't use it anymore. Also , do you think you could keep the Multiplayer games article around and upload it to GitHub ?  I'm in middle of writing a article for it. I'll create a PR when I'm done.


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  • Posts: 28
@Jon, just a quick note to say I love that the docs are now on Github and user-updatable. Excellent work!


  • Posts: 1
Hello Hectate,

I started a topic with the following question :-

" According to stencylopedia, pausing don't affect 'Every N seconds events'  :-
" What about "do every N seconds" events? These also remain active. If you wish to pause them, wrap their contents in an if-statement checking whether the game is not paused. "


In the game I am working on, When I pause the game it also pauses all 'Every N second events' I have! One possible explanation I am guessing is that because I have these 'Every N second events' in actors and not in behaviors and pausing pause those actors and  don't allow them to carry there Every N second event but I am not sure and would like a little explanation as this can cause some bad bugs in the game.
and Donni11 pointed me to this thread. Please solve my doubt, and Thanks for helping the community!


  • Posts: 35
you NEED a search function. i'm so new and finding the only way to learn this program is literally to read every manual and tutorial you have just to find a few bits of information i'm looking for.
a way to share coding tips on the forum, or more forum categories would very much be appreciated too.


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  • Posts: 2181
There is a search function. Top-right corner of Table Of Contents Stencylpedia Page.


  • Posts: 35
There is a search function. Top-right corner of Table Of Contents Stencylpedia Page.

thats actually for the tutorial, NOT the encyclopedia of Blocks:
This has no search feature.


  • *
  • Posts: 2545
You can search from within Stencyl and then find the description for that block by clicking found help I believe


  • Posts: 35
random thought for updating the stencylpedia:
you should put somewhere as a side note the version of stencyl it was written for. that way if there are discrepancies that you don't get to super fast people will have a bit of context for whats going on.