We have installed Stencyl 3.2 on 40 lab machines for student learning purposes. The Stencyl install and preferences file have been set up just fine and automatically goes to the students' network drive. That's no problem...
Our current issue is during compiling the first educational project (Project 1) the students receive an access denied error during (something like that) referencing an administrator folder that is not write accessible to students, for obvious reasons.
When I compile under an authorized account, the line just says "Game was compiled in place" and does not reference this Administrator profile... I understand that it is probably something to do with our Group Policy, however I think there should be a line of code to throw in the Stencylworks.prefs file that would choose a different temp directory to build the XML. Similar to the global.workspace line. Maybe a global.tempfiles kinda line? I understand this may not be enough information, but just let me know.