Android game continues crashing


  • Posts: 243
If your game was working fine before you implemented Google play services then i can only suggest one thing:,36098.0.html

Go back an re-read the whole thread carefully, quite a few things must be done  to get GPS up and running, but once you do its all smooth sailing.

If you are also running the admob extension, some files need to me played around with in order for it to run smoothly, and if i recall correctly a google play.jar file needs to replace the one in the admob folder


  • Posts: 65
Hi gb346,

My game worked fine with the Google Play extension.
I re-read the thread and found a solution.
But after a lot of testing, I discovered it is the request info block (purchase) that causes the crash of the game.
In the google Play console, all seems to be correct.

So is there a specific reason ?