Get Pressure Control does not return floating point value


  • Posts: 48

I have a pretty extensive thread about this issue here:,38729.msg218756.html#msg218756

I'm finally to the point where I'm pretty sure this is a bug, and it's time to report it as such.

When trying to get the pressure value for an analog control an a wired Xbox 360 1st Party Controller, I only get a '1' or a '0' as the pressure value.

The expected behavior is I should get a series of floating point values, depending on the degree to which I have pressed the control stick.

Here is a narrated screencast explaining it all:

I have attached the stencyl project shown in this screencast.

I hope we can get it figured out!


Oh, and to prove this isn't a driver issue on my side, here's a screencast of the XBOX 360 Driver on my Mac, moving the left analog stick. You can see it's not just going to 1 or 0 position, but it's hitting many intermediate values in between:


« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 08:14:18 pm by ianfitz »


  • Posts: 48
Bummer. Just installed Stencyl 3.3 and upgraded the test project. This bug has still not been fixed :(