Stencyl 3.3 - 64-bit iOS, Google Purchases v3, Design Mode improvements


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  • Posts: 17524
Update - "Weekly" Releases

Since mid-2015, we've been issuing more frequent public releases, roughly once a week. We believe that this is more beneficial than holding back on a larger, named release for several months. For this reason, what you are getting is in fact Stencyl 3.4 in practice, even if it isn't called such.

Keep checking back for updates.

Release History


Stencyl 3.3 is a nuts-and-bolts kind of release where we've focused on bug fixes and improvements versus adding new features. Those hoping for some improvements in our Design Mode will be pleased with the improvements we've made to its usability and performance.

Download Stencyl 3.3.2

What's New?

All Changes


64-bit iOS Games
Apple is now requiring all games to be built as 64-bit apps.

Google Purchases v3
Support for the latest version of Google's in-app purchases service.

Improvements to Design Mode
Improved Performance. Drag Block to Palette to delete it. Find Block in behaviors. Hover block over event pane to navigate to another event.

100+ Bug Fixes
We've focused on making a stabler, more enjoyable experience. See what's been fixed.


1) You must fully uninstall Stencyl before installing 3.3. Alternatively, you can install to a different folder if you prefer. If you don't heed this warning, you'll run into a lot of inexplicable bugs.

2) If the app appears inoperable, consider upgrading your version of Java. (Thanks emf715!)

« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 10:55:05 pm by Jon »

Great to hear! Good work Jon and the team. :)


  • *
  • Posts: 2181
Awesome ! Fascinating !


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  • Posts: 430
Great work correcting all of those bugs, and very nice improvements! I really appreciate all of the work you guys have done with this awesome program. :)
Fontstruct - Stencyl - Website (in progress)

Proud Member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 46
Works great! Make sure you have updated Java through the System Preferences panel if you're on a Mac.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 07:20:26 am by emf715 »


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  • Posts: 17524
What version of Java is installed on your setup?


  • Posts: 235
yaaaaaa this program just continues to get better.
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop


  • Posts: 90
Is shaders on Linux working now? What about fade in/out actors?


  • Posts: 71
I can confirm that upgrading from Java 7 to Java 8 will resolve some issues on a Mac - such as "Unexpected Problem"  when changing Opacity & Blend Modes in the scene editor.

Great update. Thanks!


  • Posts: 1
Stencyl  is a cool tool
Download Stencyl 3.3

What's New?

All Changes


64-bit iOS Games
Apple is now requiring all games to be built as 64-bit apps.

Google Purchases v3
Support for the latest version of Google's in-app purchases service.

Improvements to Design Mode
Improved Performance. Drag Block to Palette to delete it. Find Block in behaviors. Hover block over event pane to navigate to another event.

100+ Bug Fixes
We've focused on making a stabler, more enjoyable experience. See what's been fixed.


1) You must fully uninstall Stencyl before installing 3.3. Alternatively, you can install to a different folder if you prefer. If you don't heed this warning, you'll run into a lot of inexplicable bugs.

2) If the app appears inoperable, consider upgrading your version of Java. (Thanks emf715!)


  • Posts: 28
This is what I was waiting for . Stencyl has really grown. Definitely planning for a studio subscription now :)


  • Posts: 244
I'm still on 3.1. If I install 3.3, will it delete all my extensions again?

And will it save games to the C:\\ folder even if I asked it to install to E:\\


  • Posts: 1795
Install folder is not the same as the workspace folder. I install in D but games get saved in C because I use the default workspace folder.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 94
Thank you for all the improvements! Works really great  :D
Indie Game developer (at night). Currently working on his dream game for iOS.


  • *
  • Posts: 2181
3.3  is more Stable than 3.1 and 3.2 by FAR !!!!