[NATIVE] Guide/Reference for Creating Extension Blocks


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  • Posts: 4716
Here's an example of that block from a different extension. In this one, success is written instead of the replacement character ~, and attached block has the last id.

Code: [Select]
<block tag="save-load-succeeded"
spec="save/load succeeded [e:tag-arrow]"
help="Use inside the custom save/load game block."

<block tag="save-load-custom-game"
spec="%0 game with name %1 [e:dash] %3 [i:save]"
code="~Game(~, function(success:Bool){~});"
help="Save/Load the game with a custom save name. The default name is 'mySave'. [i:save]"
<dropdown order="0">
<c text="save" code="save"/>
<c text="load" code="load"/>
<text order="1"/>
<CODE_BLOCK order="2"/>
<attached-block order="3" tag="save-load-succeeded"/>
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I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


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  • Posts: 55
thanks a lot Justin, I have now the right block ..
But can you resume what  the differences  are between a normal block and a code block,  so I can learn my lesson !
the logic ones .
For the usage I acknowledge that

and the last question of the day ( update not yet ) :

from the attached block  have the last id, I presume that there may be problems if there are more than one ..

I suppose I will be answered "if it too complex, bring the logic inside your extension .."

If it is not mine, Have I to build another one ? In this case, how do I tell the dependency ?

you may put a link under save-example.png, "Have a try ... here is the solution :)"


« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 01:32:39 am by danielle53 »


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  • Posts: 4716
You can have multiple attached blocks. Here's an example.

Code: [Select]
<block tag="loop-x" spec="x" code="x" help="Use inside 2D loop block." hidden="true"
type="normal" color="blue" returns="number">
<block tag="loop-y" spec="y" code="y" help="Use inside 2D loop block." hidden="true"
type="normal" color="blue" returns="number">

<block tag="loop-2d-list-xy" spec="loop over 2D list %0 position %2 %3" code="var a:Array&lt;Dynamic&gt; = ~;var r:Int = a.length;var c:Int = a[0].length;for(y in 0...r){for(x in 0...c){~}}" type="wrapper" returns="void">
<list order="0"></list>
<attached-block order="2" tag="loop-x"/>
<attached-block order="3" tag="loop-y"/>

Sorry if I confused you by saying attached blocks are last. I don't think that's a hard requirement, it just happened to be the case in that block.
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


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How can we use custom icons ?


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  • Posts: 55
There was recently a problem caused with a modified core block.

I've encounter a similar problem with  one of my extension, I just had a new choice in a dropdown (without any new code) : in quite a lot of scene the choices were mixed (not all and sometimes one out of several on the same scene)
I would like to know if it is possible to had a script or something to change a deprecated block automatically, that is without to have to create another block and asking the user to make the change manually 



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  • Posts: 4716
@yoplalala: I posted about custom block icons here.

@danielle53: Could you file that in the tracker? I'll look into adding that capability next time I'm working on extensions.
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


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  • Posts: 1632
Note : You can add newlines in the xml with


Useful for conditional compiling  https://haxe.org/manual/lf-condition-compilation.html