Two projects in mind, have a couple questions.


  • Posts: 3
Hiya, I have a couple ideas that I would like to realize. The first one is actually from my wife :). I would like to know before I venture to far with our plans... is it possible to make an interactive calendar effectively? I know this is more of an app than a game per say, but we have some pretty cool ideas for interactivity. Any thoughts? Can Stencyl access system time in any way? Desktop and hopefully iOS once released.

My second idea would be a new spin on Hit the Apple or Hit the Apple . Just would like to know if these implementations are possible, such as the on screen guages, the arrows getting stuck in surfaces and multiple hit zones for enemies?

Also keep in mind, these are planned for iOS apps, so hopefully things developed now would be transferable later ;).



Miasmos Games

  • Posts: 878
Pretty sure it can access time on computer at least, I know I saw it somewhere, you'd just need to look through the API. Might be complicated but I would say its fairly likely it could be done :) (Not sure about iOS though, admin?)

I can definitely see the second one being possible, the gauge could simply have the same direction as the arrow for instance. Some of it might be hard though (like what do you mean about enemies having multiple hit boxes?) but I think definitely possible :) Hope things go well :D

Cupcake Bounce


  • Posts: 3
Hiya Miasmos, thx for the response, for the hit zones I'm thinking something like this


Miasmos Games

  • Posts: 878
I think I get what you mean, is it something to do with how the guy dies in different ways depending where you hit him? You can definitely do that :) You could use different collision boxes for instance :)

Cupcake Bounce