Crazy Golf iOS


  • Posts: 82
I don't particularly want swiping in flash since it doesn't make much sense, but I suppose it could be helpful for windows users testing their iOS games in flash.

I just did some testing and you can see the difference here - flash's text position is in red and iOS is blue.

iOS text seems to be displaced 9 pixels to the left and 20 pixels down, but it might change with font size.


  • Posts: 82
Absolutely positioning text works fine from what I can see - the placement differs only when the get height or get width blocks are used.

EDIT: Retina-izing the graphics is running smoothly...

« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 03:22:23 pm by RandomJibberish »


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  • Posts: 17524
So retina is returning the correct width/height but 1x is not? Odd.


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  • Posts: 17524
This one's totally stumping me. I'm gonna punt it for now. You can work around it fairly easily for now using the do only in iOS/Flash blocks to draw at different coordinates.

All I can say is that there's a discrepancy in how the spacing and padding between characters is handled.

Eventually, we're going to do away with the Flash font generator and use the iOS one (the backend is much sounder / powerful), so they'll eventually converge to be the same thing.


  • Posts: 82
Both retina and normal have the placement issue - The other bug with the text scaling being wrong in retina seems to have fixed itself.

I'll work around it for now, although Flash's positioning does seem to make more sense - the text centered on the buttons using the blocks as you would expect ([Height/width of button + Height/width of text] / 2) looks a lot more central in flash.


  • Posts: 82
Aaand a month passes with no updates and very little progress. I hate having no time :<

Right now the framework for the iPad is pretty much there, making this a smexy universal app. Once the iPad side of things is shined up a little more (Graphically and performance wise), it's just the special level gimmicks (water, bouncy panels, new stuff etc) and level design to go. Hopefully it shouldn't be too long before you can try something out for yourself.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 07:54:14 am by RandomJibberish »