stencyl 3.2-3.3 Bug Collision problem.


  • Posts: 65
Collision problem. Hope to resolve. The following are examples.
I do is a plane game. Plane shot bullets. A bullet hit the enemy.
I use the time to collision when their bullet of this group will be hurt.
But. As things stand. Bullet clear often hit the enemy. But the aircraft did not judge the collisions.
Because I once per collision will reduce the HP, when the 0 time. Kill self.
I found this problem. And after the test. Found that the situation appeared in the 3.2-3.3 version. The 3.1 version is good.
And when action group and action action collision collision will occur.
Hoping to solve this bug. 

« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 12:34:09 am by szzg007 »


  • Posts: 65
Collision has Bug!!! in 3.3.  everybady... u can trying!!!